The lion the witch and the audacity of this b
The lion the witch and the audacity of this b

I like people (within reason), and I'm down to have a good time (with enough notice), but I'm not really one for, how do I put it. In all fairness, I start out neighborly enough. I'm not exactly the most social gal on the block. I'm hoping now that wild Leo season has passed, she will settle in with a sense of stability, and routine. More than that, they miss her when she's not around). At the very least, she knows my back yard is a safe environment to let her fur down, and kick her paws up when she needs to (even the dogs are getting used to her.

the lion the witch and the audacity of this b

We're a perfect match made in Hell, and I hope she'll choose my place to be her main crash pad. She demands ALL of my attention when she decides to grace me with her presence, then she disappears for weeks on end, and makes me worried sick about her. Which is to say, as my roommates, way back when, arrived at consensus: She acts just like YOU! Reader, it was not my cat from college who died nearly ten years ago, but I maintain that she does look like her albeit with slightly darker coloring. In fact, she looked SO much like her, I called out her name, ".is that YOU?" And just like that she ran to me! What's so wild is that in the dusky hues of early nightfall, she looked just like my college kiki that came with the house I rented with four other scoundrels for a bit. When I opened my eyes there was a cat across my yard, sitting (ever so stately) in the pathway under my trellis. One evening, just as the sun was setting behind my house, I found myself sprawled out in a lounge chair praying for a breeze.

the lion the witch and the audacity of this b the lion the witch and the audacity of this b

She showed up around this time last year, just a tail-twitch past kitten stage. Well, I've had her for about a year, and when I use the word "had" it is in the loosest possible way. But also, of course, sometimes you just need a laugh, and I suppose it's been good for that. So, I guess that means it's not actually weird anymore, but then again, just because a thing begins to happen on a regular basis, it is by no means a reason to accept it as normal, so there's that. How was your Summer? Mine? Pretty weird, to be perfectly honest, which is kind of becoming the common theme around here.

The lion the witch and the audacity of this b